Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Transient simulation: How to execute DEFINE_PROFILE macro once per time step? Reply To: Transient simulation: How to execute DEFINE_PROFILE macro once per time step?

Luca B.
Forum Moderator

Hi, DEFINE_PROFILE is executed at any iteration because you need to provide a boundary values to porosity. So it need to compute the corresponding value anytime.

How to do modify the viscous resistance? is it time dependent? 

Some ideas

  • can you modify it only with Expression without an UDF. So you can calculate it without running the UDF?
  • Another possibility, you can try. You can use a DEFINE_EXECUTE_AT_END  that is run only at the end of all time step. You can compute it the new viscous value, save it into a global variable and so make it accessible to the DEFINE_PROFILE macro.

Let me know if this suggestion are useful

