We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.


    • Shuvam Paul

      I have simulated a hydraulic jump. There is a difference in water and ambient(air)temperature and as such there is heat transfer across the water-air interface. I have used VOF model and Standard K-epsilon model for the simulation. Energy Model is activated. Radiation is not considered. 

      Is there any way to determine the total heat transfer rate across the water-air interface bounded between the two sections(vertical lines) as shown in figure below? Also, is there a way to determine heat flux across the same interface or average equivalent thermal conductivity or average heat transfer co-efficient at the interface.? Also I tried to determine heat flux across a point at the interface in CFD post. But it was shown as "Undefined". While the heat flux at any point at solid boundary could be easily determined. Why?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      In Fluent the Heat Flux report is only available for meshed surfaces, ie not iso-surfaces etc. That's in part due to nonmeshed surfaces not having facet normals. You may be able to do something with a combination of a isosurfaces, surface transform and temperature data in Excel but it's going to be a little messy. 

      • Shuvam Paul

        Thanks for your Reply ROB. 

        I wanted to know if I can create an iso-surface with constant water colume fraction of say 0.7 , bounded by section1 and section 2 as shown in the above figure ? It would be of great help if I could do so.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can. Create the isosurface of volume fraction and then have a look at isoclip. 

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