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Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

SpaceClaim Document Cleaner


    • JJOR


      I need to get a tool called ”SpaceClaim Document Cleaner”.

      I have a file from a customer that is 16 Mb in size.

      If I save it as STEP and then open it again it’s only 250 Kb

    • Charudatta Bandgar
      Forum Moderator

      Hello JJOR

      Let me check. Is it possible for you to share the file with me?


    • JJOR


      I got a "Document Cleaner" for SpaceClaim engineer. But if the customer has transfered to Discovery it will not work.

      🛈 This post originally contained file attachments which have been removed in compliance with the updated Ansys Learning Forum Terms & Conditions
      • Charudatta Bandgar
        Forum Moderator

        JJOR The spaceclaim document cleaner tool is for SpaceClaim Engineer, which is an older tool. Ansys SpaceClaim and Discovery do not have a tool like this right now. I imported this file in spaceclaim and resaved it as scdoc. It cleaned the file to 250Kb. I am not sure if this will have any data loss, but this what the cleaner tool seems to be doing. For now, I would suggest you use this as a workaround.

        I do think this would be a good tool to have, We will share your idea/input with the product development team.

        If this is not a file specific issue, and is happening with multiple files, where the file size is increasing, I can get in touch with the development and file a bug ticket for it.


    • JJOR

      The customer has more then 25 000 files........

    • Charudatta Bandgar
      Forum Moderator

      Thanks MF For the suggestion.

      JJOR This suggestion would be helpful in my opinion. 


      Steps to follow:

      1. Create 3 folders, (Input1, Output1 and Output2)

      2. Put all your files (high size) in Input1

      3. Go to C:Program FilesANSYS Incv231scdm run convertor.exe as administrator.

      4. In options in model input, select file filter to scdoc (change the time out if necessary). And select model output file type as step. Put output directory as Output1.


      5. Go to data convert, Add folder, select the folder containing heavy scdoc files (input1). And click convert.


      6. Now redo the steps, and select in options>Model input file filter as step, and model output as scdoc. Change the Output directory to Output2.

      7. In data convert, remove all the files that were previously selected from input1, and add folder output1. Convert them.


      All the reduced size scdoc files will populate in the Output2 folder. I can understand this is a lengthy and not the ideal process, but this is the best workaround that can be possible. 


      In general, if your file size is high. Go to the Undo button at the top left of the SC window, click the little drop down arrow next to Undo and at the bottom, click Purge. This seems to decrease/clear the memory usage. 
      If we do this Purge operation before saving the file / exporting as a new version, the file size will not increase. 


      • Fredrik Solenberg

        Charudatta Bandgar Are you saying that you save the "undo data" to the file if we dont purge before saving?....then...please add an option in settings to save without "undo data".

    • JJOR

      They have files like this as well. It includes Sheet Metal information, drawings and unfold information.

      If I run the converter everything is gone except the geometry.

      Isn't it another way to fix this bug in the versions.xml part of the file?

      🛈 This post originally contained file attachments which have been removed in compliance with the updated Ansys Learning Forum Terms & Conditions
    • Charudatta Bandgar
      Forum Moderator

      Hello JJOR




      As the names suggest, the first uses SpaceClaim licensing (usually serial numbers), and the second uses Ansys licensing, requiring a valid 22.2 Ansys licensing setup.


      Run the MSI installer and install the document cleaner to the C drive.

      Go to the spaceclaim.exe file in the SpaceClaim Document Cleaner directory and right click it > Properties > Security > Edit and select Full Control > Allow for all profiles - to make sure the doc cleaner will run.  

      In your C drive, create 2 folders. One is the Input Folder. Second is the Output Folder. Name them whatever you want. 
      The Input folder is where you will place the files you want to be cleaned. 
      The Output folder is where the cleaned files will be placed.

      Open the Command Prompt.
      First enter cd C:Program FilesSpaceClaim Document Cleaner in the command prompt to change the directory.  
      Then I entered the command:
      spaceclaim.exe "C:InputFolderFile.scdoc" /CleanOutputDirectory="C:OutputFolder"
      (File.scdoc is a standin for whatever your desired file-to-be-cleaned is named)
      Then press Enter.
      It will take a couple minutes for the cleaned file to show up in your Output folder.


      I have not tried either of these files, check if it works for you.



    • JJOR
      • Charudatta Bandgar
        Forum Moderator

        JJOR Hello,

        I do not think, it will be possible to save the drawing sheets while cleaning the file, but let me still check once with the team, I will get back to you.

        JJOR said:
        docclean22.2_ansysLicensing.msi doesn't work

        Thanks for the information. Will convey the concerned team.


    • JJOR

      Any news regarding this?

    • Fredrik Solenberg
      Can you tell me when you intend to return regarding the problem.
      I need to know if I should keep waiting for you or if I should start looking for alternatives to space claim.
      • Charudatta Bandgar
        Forum Moderator

        Fredrik Solenberg Hello,

        The option to clean spaceclaim files was available in Spaceclaim Engineer, and there is not a tool available for Spaceclaim. I have asked the product team for its update, and I was able to get the alternative ways you can do that, other than that, I am not sure if there is any way to reduce the file size. There might be a tool that is in plan to create for Spaceclaim, but I am not sure of it as of now, I can create an enhancement request for the suggestions you have made.


    • dan

      Any update on this? We have the same problem. Costing me $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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