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Flashing Flow

    • sharandeet singh


      I am trying to simulate flashing flow phenomena. There is a horizontal pipe of 13 mm diameter and 4550 mm long which goes inside a vertical cylinder. Currently I am using the k-omega SST model with mutiphase flow (Eulerian).

      My boundary conditions are 10000000bars and 543 Kelvin in the inlet of the horizontal pipe and atm pressure at the outlet of the pipe.

      How can I set-up the simulation?

      If anyone can help, I will be very grateful.


    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      You can use mixture or Eulerian model. Need to set the phases with appropriate drag model and boundary conditions. Have to set the problem with proper initialization and patching of phases in the required region of interest.

      For more details, I suggest you to check Ansys user's guide: Chapter 25: Modeling Multiphase Flows (ansys.com)

      Thank you.


      • sharandeet singh


        If possible for you can you elaborate a little bit more.


    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      Ya Sure. Can you please let me know where exactly you are facing difficulty to set up a multiphase simulation? Its very broad so difficult to explain it without knowing your exact issue.

      Thank you.

      • sharandeet singh

        Is there a way where I can send you multipe screenshots of my geometry, mesh and simulation set-up?

        I was using two phas eeulerian model along with k-.omega SST model with water-liquid and water-vapour as materials.

        Firstly, the model was converging but the pressure in the results was increasing but physically it should decrease. Then, I made some changes and now it is showing flopating point error.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You may want to rethink the inlet pressure: it's rather high. 

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