Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna User Defined Material with EOS Reply To: User Defined Material with EOS

WooMin Jang



But I wonder that in umat44v, there only exists one code line to use umat with eos.

I also did that, But it didn’t work with any built-in eos in simple newtonian fluid code i defined.

But, in nonsense, it works very well with user-defined eos, where there is pc(i) for pressure-cutoff.

what would be the cause of this difference?? (Is ‘c$omp threadprivate (/eosdloc/)’ essential for setting pc?)

Already, i said i suppose pc(i) will be the cause… and what could be the solution??

I’m very confused…

P.S. what are 4 history variables stored exactly in order ??


Thank you for your sincere help.