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how to determine the total volume for a specific temperature range

    • Simon-Olivier


      I want to know the total volume for a specific temperature range in my thermal analysis model.

      I am able to have the volume of each element (userdefine = volume , with elemental mean).

      However, the problem is that I cannot have the elemental mean of the temperature (juste the temperature by node and not by element, then I cannot associate the element volume...).

      Is there a way to have the temperature associated to the element number (after that I can sort the data with the elemental volume...)

      Thank you very much for your help!

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      It sounds like you can create a User Defined Result with the Expression 'temp' as shown below.  This result can be exported to excel or a file to provide element number, temperature.


      • Simon-Olivier

        Thank you for the answer.

        Doing so (exporting to excel), I have the temperature for each node number (using average or unaverage integration point result).

        But I need the temperature for each element number (element mean integration point result is not avaible...).

        Is there a way to have the temperature associated to the element number?

        Thank you again

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      Sorry. I didn't notice that.  One sure way is to use post1 in a commands object like below:


    • Simon-Olivier

      Thank you very much for the return, sorry I have very limited experience in apdl...

      I tried to paste the command in a command snippet (post location).

      But I have the error: An unknown error occurred during solution.  Check the Solver Output on the Solution Information object for possible causes.    Project>Model>Coupled Field Transient>Solution    Friday, July 14, 2023 11:24:47 AM

      And I dont know where to look for the generated file/table from 'pretab,temp' command?

      For information, my post txt file: 

      /config,noeldb,1     ! force off writing results to database
      _wb_ProjectScratch_dir_Transient(1)= 'D:\Simon\RE\_ProjectScratch\Scr936B\'
      _wb_SolverFiles_dir_Transient(1)= 'D:\Simon\RE\Run14_B_V2_files\dp9\SYS-52\MECH\'
      _wb_userfiles_dir_Transient(1)= 'D:\Simon\RE\Run14_B_V2_files\user_files\'
      ! Executing MAPDL for /post1 evaluation of command objects only
      _wb_post_run = 1
      ! ****** Begin Command Snippet ******

      ! ****** End   Command Snippet ******
      /fclean                !clean distributed files
      /com,--- Total number of nodes = %_numnode%
      /com,--- Total number of elements = %_numelem%
      /com,--- Element load balance ratio = %_dlbratio%
      /com,--- Time to combine distributed files = %_combtime%
      /com,--- Sparse memory mode = %_ssmode%
      /com,--- Number of DOF = %_ndofs%
      /wb,file,end               ! done with WB generated input

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      If you are running a pure thermal analysis the command should be file,file,rth.  The results can be seen in Solution information:  Post Output as shown below.  Or if you right click on Solution (A6) then Open Solver Files Directory, they are in the file, post.out

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