General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Problem with mechanism, spherical joint out of the body

    • Germán Ferrando


      I am quite new in Ansys, I am modelling in transient structural a mechanism to see the required N.m I need in my motors to move this system.

      The system consist of two main links, the first one that we see in this picture has inside a stick with a cylindrical joint and at the end of the stick there is a circular body which has a spherical joint with the ball. This ball has a cylindrical joint with respect to another stick that is connected to the big part.

      The other link is another revolute joint to the ground connected with the big green part with a small solid that has rotation with the linked rotated respect to the ground and with the green big part.

      When i execute a known movement of the mechanism this happens, the body linked with spherical joint goes out of the line.


      I can give you the model if it is more clarifying, i have thought about contacts but none seem to work.

    • peteroznewman

      The spherical joint is providing 3 rotational degrees of freedom. The ball should slide along the rod with a Translational joint, not a Cylindrical joint since the spherical joint already has rotational freedom and the cylindrical joint freedom about the rod axis is redundant.

      If you need more help, in Workbench, use File, Archive and put the *.wbpz file on your Google Drive and put the link that anyone can open into your reply.

    • Germán Ferrando

      Hi Peter, thanks for your answer, i tried but it happened the same issue, i also tried replacing the revolute joint with a bearing but then it doesnt keep contact with the big part. I have surpressed all the parts that arent the mechanism and the right transient structural is the one named final project.


    • peteroznewman

      Hi, I can't download your project archive using that link. Please create a Google drive link that anyone can use.

    • Germán Ferrando

      Sorry Peter, the access was restricted i think you can now. Thanks.


    • peteroznewman
    • Germán Ferrando

      Thanks Peter!!

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