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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

purpose of youngs modulus and possion ratio in ansys fluent

    • rohan_btech19

      What is the purpose of Youngs modulus and poison ratio during ansys fluent material defining?

      and secondly ,can I directly evaluate the pressure change due to a change in wall thickness of a solid pipe without performing FSI? (its a non thermal problem and pressure based solver )

      Thanks in advance

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      It for the intrinsic FSI function. There's a limited structural code in Fluent. 

      If the wall thickness changes without effecting the ID then why would the pressure change? 

      • rohan_btech19

         Thanks Rob for your help

        If I assign solid material to its wall thickness without changing ID and then can I evaluate the pressure generated on its wall/will pressure change if wall thickness changes as you mentioned it have intrinsic fsi and limited structural code 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      The wall thickness changing will effect the wall stiffness which with intrinsic FSI may then alter the ID. You'd probably need a very high pressure for you to see much change though. 

    • rohan_btech19

      thanks for the information

      may I the approximately in what orders the pressure should be high

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      It depends on the pipe: a balloon only needs a low pressure to distort, not sure I'd fancy trying to blow up a steel bag!  There's almost certainly a stress/strain/bendy calculation in your course notes or on the Learning section here.

      It's more usual to calculate or specify the pressure you have, do some sums (on paper/spreadsheet) to find out what won't distort and order the next tube thickness up from that. 

    • rohan_btech19

      Thanks a lot, Rob,

      It would be a great help if you can provide any material or weblink where I can find mathematical relation between solid domain and liquid domain (or where I can see the code of intrinsic FSI)?

      kind regards

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Here  https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/Secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v231/en/flu_ug/flu_ug_models_fsi.html   

    • rohan_btech19


      Thanks for sharing Rob but unfortunately I am not able to access the link due to some login issue.

      So can you please share a screenshot or share through some other method from where I can access it easily.



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Click on Help in the solver, than paste the link into that browser. The solver includes the cookie/token/biscuit that bypasses the log in. 

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