

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

How do I mesh this properly?

    • _rob

      An image of what I'm trying to do is shown below. Basically, I have an open 9 ft^3 enclosure with a 5" high floor vent at normal lab conditions. A hydrogen source is somewhere on the bottom of the enclosure, and the top is either fully open with no roof or has a cover with a hole in it. I want to model the path hydrogen takes to escape the enclosure.  How do I create the solid bodies in order to mesh this properly, and how do I mesh it properly? 

    • vganore
      Ansys Employee

      I would go with default mesh setting but use fine relevance center. Add some inflation layers for top cylinder to resolve near wall gradients at outlet properly. 

      Sample project file is attached. 

    • _rob

      Thanks for the reply.

      I'm new to all of this, so please bear with me.  

      Why use the default mesh instead of using a setting which would yield a more uniform, cuboid mesh?  Isn't the goal to have as uniform a mesh as possible?

      Thanks in advance.

    • vganore
      Ansys Employee

      Yes. you can do so. Many factors comes in.  How your physics is setup, How much efforts to put in, Quality of produced mesh (default vs. cuboid),  will it cause any difference to results? area of interest etc.

      You could get started with this default one and then playground with other factors. 


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