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Import parameters from workbench to fluent

    • dmendez.3

      How I can import any parameter from workbench to fluent? I need ,among others, to import a geometric value parametrized in workbench and use it like variable in fluent.


      Thanks in advance.

    • Min Zhang

      Do you perform Optimization? If not, you can define your parameters using Text User Interface, i.e. “defineparameterinput-parameteradvanceduser-in……”

      These parameter (F1,F2...) are listed in the "Parameter Set" in Workbench,their value can be adjusted manually .


    • Jimmyhan

      There is a very very simple way to do it, you can select the parameter and use right button to select 'Use as workbench input parameter'.

    • Min Zhang

      This just makes the parameter ("ChannelRe" ) become one of design or input parameters. Fluent can also realize this.

      But "ChannelRe" is just then listed in the "Parameter Set" Tab, while it cannot be directly used by other systems (like fluent, geometry). We could not create parameter relationship in the "Parameter Set" Tab. 

    • Jimmyhan

      What about CFX?

    • dmendez.3

      Thank you  


      With your help  and the ansys help I could do it.

      It is posible defining a scheme proc with lambda command using the same name of the variable that is in workbench.

      I m doing a PhD about continum granular models and i'd need another thing...

      I don´t know how to extract the value of the coefficient of restitution for use it like field function in "custom field functions". I'm not sure if this is posible...


      Thanks a lot.


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