Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Oil and water-vapour mixing at supercritical conditions Reply To: Oil and water-vapour mixing at supercritical conditions


Many thanks for your reply Dr. Amine. To simplify the problem I did not activate the mass transfer. For mass transfer I will/am use UDF for species mass transfer at the interface based on Fick's law.

The problem is as soon as i decrease the operating pressure to, say, 100bar, everything works fine and simulation converges. 

I am using Peng-Robinson EOS for Oil phase which is basically still liquid. Is it correct? when i select Peng-Robinson from drop down list for density and provide molecular weight (723 kg/kmol) and click change/create, a lot of properties (critical temperature, critical pressure, criticl volume Acentric factor etc) are caluclated automaticaly by the ansys. I am relying on these values! Are these correct? For viscosity, I am selcting "Kinetic-theory".