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Math behind the Ansys Solver

    • Ernest jamesr905

      Hi, there I am a graduate student and part of my work for my Master's project is to do a deep dive into the workings of ANSYS. My main question is about the math used in the ANSYS solver system that allows it to calculate a specific output answer. If you don't know specifcally I would also, if possible, like a hint or lead on where I can dig deeper to find how it works. I hope that you will be able to help point me in the right direction. Anyway, thank you for your time

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      See the help manual (theory reference), and the free course from EDX on FEA using ANsys where they explain how a solver works overall.


      Also books in FEA will explain that.


    • bhagwantP
      Ansys Employee

      Thanks Eric,
      @Ernest, you can refer any fundamental books on FEA which can give you basic idea about this.
      Some additional links:


      How to retrieve the equations used for a simulation/used in the solver?


      Even you can refer our help sections which have information specific to different analysis types which can give you basic idea.

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