

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Unwanted densification of surface mesh on geometry

    • 01142385


      I imported the geometry into spaceclaim, created "enlosure" etc there and then opened it in fluent meshing. I set some options regarding local sizing (photo), which works, but at the same time it generates density on a flat surface which I don't need. I attach a picture of it. How to modify the settings to get rid of it ? 
      I will be very grateful for your help.



    • SVV
      Ansys Employee


      I suppose you have small detailing of geometry at that location. if so relax the proximity and curvature setting at that location to coarsen the mesh.

      May I know why you want to coarsen the mesh?



    • 01142385

      Thank you for your quick reply. I would like to reduce the density of the mesh only at this specific location (marked in red), because then it creates problems whith boundry layers generation in the volume mesh. I would not like to reduce the proximity and curvature settings , because then I will reduce the mesh density at the trailing edge.

      Is it possible to decrease detailing of geometry only at that particular location?

    • SVV
      Ansys Employee

      Can you try giving a body or face of influence at this location?

    • 01142385

      The entire geometry is already surrounded by a single BOI. As far as I know, if I add a face of influence even in this region, the target mesh size option only sets an upper limit to the size of the mesh element, i.e. target mesh size = 4mm will result in elements no larger than 4mm, but they can be smaller. I am interested in the opposite condition 

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