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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Multiple inputs inverse design Reply To: Multiple inputs inverse design


When I use SuperOptimization to optimize for two monitors (through and cross ports), and use the "+" operator to add two base files (one where the source is in the upper arm, and one where the source is in the lower arm), I get this error:
Initializing super optimization
Checking for one forward simulation : One forward simulation is in progress
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/../TopOpt_2D_2FOM.py", line 102, in
runSim(initial_cond, eps_min, eps_max, x_pos, y_pos, filter_R*1e-9)
File "/../TopOpt_2D_2FOM.py", line 74, in runSim
opt_total.run(working_dir = cur_path)
File "/../../lumericl/releases/R2021_1.4/api/python/lumopt/optimization.py", line 460, in run
File "/../../lumericl/releases/R2021_1.4/api/python/lumopt/optimization.py", line 119, in initialize
self.one_forward = check_one_forward_sim(self.optimizations[0])
File "/../../lumericl/releases/R2021_1.4/api/python/lumopt/optimization.py", line 99, in check_one_forward_sim
if np.any(self.optimizations[k].wavelengths.asarray() != wavelengths_ref.asarray()):
AttributeError: 'SuperOptimization' object has no attribute 'wavelengths'

This is how I did it:

opt_up_1 = Optimization(base_script=base_script_top , wavelengths = wavelengths, fom=fom1 geometry=geometry, optimizer=optimizer, use_deps=False, hide_fdtd_cad=True plot_history=False, store_all_simulations=False)

opt_up_2 = Optimization(base_script=base_script_top , wavelengths = wavelengths, fom=fom2 geometry=geometry, optimizer=optimizer, use_deps=False, hide_fdtd_cad=True plot_history=False, store_all_simulations=False)

opt_bot_1 = Optimization(base_script=base_script_bot ,wavelengths = wavelengths, fom=fom1 geometry=geometry, optimizer=optimizer, use_deps=False, hide_fdtd_cad=True plot_history=False, store_all_simulations=False)

opt_bot_2 = Optimization(base_script=base_script_bot , wavelengths = wavelengths, fom=fom2 geometry=geometry, optimizer=optimizer, use_deps=False, hide_fdtd_cad=True plot_history=False, store_all_simulations=False)

opt_bot_T = [opt_bot_1, opt_bot_2]
super_opt_up = SuperOptimization(optimizations = opt_up_T, weights = weights)
super_opt_bot = SuperOptimization(optimizations = opt_bot_T, weights = weights)
opt_total = super_opt_up + super_opt_bot
######## RUN THE OPTIMIZER ########
