Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Fluid Cavity not moving with the Solid Domain Reply To: Fluid Cavity not moving with the Solid Domain

Also, I managed to bring the mesh (max.) skewness down to 0.896 and (min.) orthogonal quality upto 0.103. With the previous mesh, I used to get the "turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of **** cells" message in Fluent console while solving and the number of cells was in hundreds of thousands. I thought this was due to the bad mesh, but this message is still showing after improving the mesh to the said values. Can you tell what other reasons might cause this message to appear?
Secondly, please guide me regarding how I should interpret the scaled residuals graph. In some of my other simulation projects, these curves seemed to "flatten out" to a straight line after many iterations, whereas here, I'm seeing a nice periodic and oscillating curve form. How to tell from this curve whether the simulation is proceeding "the right way"?