Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Ansys vof(volume of fluid) Reply To: Ansys vof(volume of fluid)

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Mark means to create a cell register and then retain it for use in the solver but not using it to adapt cells. The panels have changed over the last few versions so the term may not be as clear as it once was. You'll find gradient terms in the cell register creation. Basically you mark cells that are then saved in a register. You then adapt the register, or use it for patching etc.
30M cells really ought to be running on 30-60 cores, ideally around 90. Hence my comments about accepting the limitations of the hardware and explaining your approach with what you'd like to have done as a separate section.
Anisotropic adaption splits the near wall cell (usually near wall) in half parallel to the wall. So it's good for increasing the near wall resolution and reducing y+ However, it also tends to need to refine the whole cell layer. "Normal" adaption splits the cells into 8 (hex), 5 (tets) and something (poly) so may be more efficient if used locally.