Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Coupled analysis using element type SOLID5 VS SOLID226 ANSYS APDL. Why getting different results? Reply To: Coupled analysis using element type SOLID5 VS SOLID226 ANSYS APDL. Why getting different results?

Erik Kostson
Ansys Employee

SOLID5 is an old legacy element, that is not recommended anymore (also it is a 8 node hex or 6 node prism).

The recommended element to use for coupled analysis (e.g., thermal-struct.) is the solid226 with keyopt(1)=11 for thermal structural analysis (it is a 20 node hex element, ...) .
They (226) are also used inside Workbench and in the coupled static system which is for thermal structural analysis and is the recommended way to perform this.

All the best
