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July 19, 2021 at 6:40 am
Ansys Employee
A fixed support on a beam should give a DX=DY=DZ=ROTX=ROTT=ROTZ =0, so all degrees of freedom for a beam node equal 0.
With nodal displacements you can set the the translational degrees of freedom (DX,DY,DZ) as needed to a value (DX=value,...).
Hope this explains everything
A fixed support on a beam should give a DX=DY=DZ=ROTX=ROTT=ROTZ =0, so all degrees of freedom for a beam node equal 0.
With nodal displacements you can set the the translational degrees of freedom (DX,DY,DZ) as needed to a value (DX=value,...).
Hope this explains everything