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Ansys Fluent Geoemtry Precision Different

    • yew511

      Hi, I am drawing my model in Solidworks and export them as stp into Fluent workbench. During post processing, I noticed that the initial dimension has little deviation from the original dimension of my domain. My domain is -5 mm to 5 mm along the z direction. However, in post processing, it starts from -4.9995 mm, although it is little deviation, it affects my results because i need accurate location to place my contour.

    • SVV
      Ansys Employee
      Hi Can you try to import file in different format? Can you also try importing into Design Modeller and Spacelaim? Check the tolerance setting in solidworks while exporting as well. It is always a good practice to check the range of dimensions of computational domain under General>Scale before simulation.
    • yew511
      It should start from 0 mm in x and y direction. How to solve this issue ya? I import in design modeller then to ICEM for meshing and output it as .msh

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      You've run geometry through a translator, then facetted it so I'd expect a small amount of drift. A difference of 0.0000096% isn't going to make much difference to your results. If you machined the part how far off the dimension do you think you'll be?
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