

Tell us what you love, or suggest ways we can improve

We need your user feedback!

    • Alissa Wilczynski
      Ansys Employee
    • Alissa Wilczynski
      Ansys Employee
      . , , You have all been active participants in the Ansys Learning Forum, and I'd particularly like to hear from you. Please let me know if you're willing to share your opinions!
      • Mortaza


        The material designer system encompasses a diverse range of model types, including lattice, UD composite, woven composite, particle, random particle, and honeycomb. In light of scholarly advancements, I humbly suggest incorporating the tri-axial braided composite model into this system.


    • peteroznewman
      I will be glad to provide feedback on a new web site for the Ansys Learning Forum.
    • Rameez_ul_Haq
      ,I would be more than happy to provide my feedback and opinions regarding the forum.
    • Alissa Wilczynski
      Ansys Employee
      Thanks and ! I'll set up some meetings for us next week.
    • Alissa Wilczynski
      Ansys Employee
      is the gmail you registered with for the forum a good way to reach you? You can message me directly at so we can set up a time to meet.
    • Rameez_ul_Haq
      ,sure. I would be messaging you on your email address.
    • eliocpereira
      ,I can give you some feedback. A virtual meeting or email messages are fine with me.
    • Mortaza

    • Mortaza
      Hello. I'm very happy to be able to tell you my opinion. I have a suggestion to complete some of the modules used in the design of the Ansys material designer. To whom should I make this offer? please guide me. Thank you.
    • eliocpereira
      I think I can share some of my suggestions. I feel that this website is already pretty good and it could improve even more if it gets
      Reputation added to the user profiles (receiving points for questioning and answering like it is done in Stack Exchange) - to motivate the questioners and the answerers.
      Answers ordered by number of points (also like Stack Exchange) - so that the users may find the best answer more quickly.
      Differentiation between answers and comments (like Stack Exchange).
      LaTeX writting support - to write math (such as Fluid Dynamics equations ).
      Button to put text in code format (not everyone knows that text between "`" symbols is put in code format).

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      some good points, I'll add those to the enhancement list and flag the post to one of the managers.
      Not sure you'll get LaTeX support, but we do need to sort out images properly.
    • eliocpereira
      Nice Thanks! I don't know if indeed LaTeX is difficult to implement or not in an website, but I have been finding lots of websites that already allow people to write text in LaTeX.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      I remember LaTeX from the early 00s as it was far more powerful than Word. The interface was on an entirely different level though.....
      Edit: looks like most of your points are on/planned. Including LaTeX. Re-ordering threads is being looked at, but will most likely be omitted as altering the way the thread evolves hasn't worked well on here.
    • eliocpereira
      I would also add to my suggestions a way to unaccept an answer after accepting it (for instance, in case of mistake or a better answer appearing in the future). Currently I cannot find a way to do it.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      I don't think you can with the current set up. It's a feature we also want as too many initial responses are marked that way.
    • kikopg
      I've done all the innovation structural courses, if you need I can give you feedback
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