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Conservative signal link between Twin Builder and Simulink

    • gisrit

      Is there a way to connect conservative, or convert non-conservative, signals in Ansys Twin Builder with Simulink? I am trying to send 3-phase currents from Simulink into an RMxprt model in Twin Builder.

      I am able to connect non-conservative signals that drive gates on a 3 phase inverter and run a motor but I want to pass conservative signals directly.

    • Jose Luis Gonzalez Hernandez
      Ansys Employee
      Hello Only non-conservative outputs are allowed for Simulink blocks. Therefore, you would need to connect signals from Simulink to physical sources in Twin Builder, and then connect to a circuit.
      Best Jose Luis
    • Sebastiano Santarpia

      I have the same problem, I can't connect the Igbt model on the top left to the output of the The thermal ROM sml, any hint. I don't understand What conservative and non conservative pin are? In my design who are conservative and non conservative pin?

    • Sebastiano Santarpia

      I resolved the problem, the solution is inside twin builder manual,searching for conservative and non conservative pin. Thanks

    • Peter Balazovic

      Hello Sebastiano,

      I have very much the same problem connecting the Simulink block in Simplorer with Controlled Voltage Source.


      I can't control "Voltage Controlled Source" from Simulink even I see there is inputting signal from that block and then I convert it over OmniCaster but signal is zeroed.

      How to exactly convert Simulink signal into Voltage signal?

    • Vedant Sane

      Hello all, 

      Can anyone pls guide me to resolve this issue? I could not able to connect those pins from Simulink to Simplorer. In Simulink I am calculating current waveforms IR, IY, IB with PWM harmonics. I want to feed them to my FEA model in simplorer. However, I am getting the following error:

      What changes do I need to make so that they can be connected? I m out of clue.

    • Vedant Sane

    • truong15 king

      Hi, everyone
      I'm trying to use co-simulation between Maxwell and Simplorer. I need to create another output (Force) from maxwell to simplorer, what must i do?
      #question, #maxwell, #simplorer

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