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How to create Composite layers in ACP

    • musaero19

      The skin is made up of 3 composite materials. S-glass, Aluminium and Kevlar. The aluminum skin is 0.4 mm in thickness with top layer while the glass fiber skin is 1mm in thickness made of 5 layers arranged in a symmetrical layup [±45/0/±45]. Kevlar with 0.4 mm thickness with 1 layer. 

      In ACP, I CREATE 3 Fabrics for these three materials.

      Then, I CREATE Stack-ups for Fabric material glass to give it directions [±45/0/±45].     

      Then, I do Rosettes followed Oriented Selection sets.       

      Then, Modelling Groups to create Ply layers.


      I want to know whether

    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee
      Since already created the stackup for glass, you can use that to build the modeling plies. Select the fabric for aluminum ad kevlar and use the stackup for the glass. You do not have to create sublaminates.
      (If you have a set of layers repeating in your model, you can create sublaminates and use that to build the modeling plies.)
    • musaero19
      Hi Gnagapp Thank you for your feedback. I am following the same sequence, but I am not sure of the final composite thickness and geometry. I am using 4 layers of carbon with 0.2 (for example), glass 0.4mm and kevlar 0.3mm, i am getting total thickness 0.9mm. I am attaching sequence pictures. Kindly help accordingly. Thank you.
    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee
      Can you insert the images? I am not allowed to download attachments
    • musaero19

    • musaero19

    • musaero19

    • musaero19

    • musaero19

    • musaero19

    • musaero19

    • musaero19

    • musaero19
      I have attached the pictures above. If you need any additional info, please let me know
      thank you

    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee
      Your modeling groups have the following ply material: 1. carbon fiber(0.2 thickness) 2.glass fiber (0.4 thickness) 3. kevlar fabric (0.3 thckness) - so total thickness is 0.9
      If you need multiple layers of carbon fiber, use the stack up for ply material (this has 4 layers). so total thickness will be 1.5

    • musaero19

    • musaero19

    • musaero19

    • musaero19
      Thank You. Noted. Solved the issue.
    • jdeep8
      To the original poster im conducting somewhat similar kind of analysis but having some difficulties in material designation ,in my case im just conducting the experiment on kevlar .
      I saw in the image you posted above the material kevlar fabric , i wasnt able to find it in my fabrics section.
      can you help me regarding this?
    • musaero19
      Hi jdeep Kevlar is not on the engineering material list. You have to add it by inserting material properties. You can search any paper and check the material properties you want. Then add a new engineering material kevlar and then use it accordingly. Thank you.
    • Zaid Abd Al-Hadi

      Hey musaero19

      How can you define the resulting composite material by only defining fiber and matrix materials?
      (i.e. if I defined the fabrics; fiber and matrix individually, how then the resulting lamina will be defined,
      how to define the volume fraction and fiber diameter?)

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