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General Mechanical

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Why does the shear force in one part of the column is flipped?

    • Paolo9908

      Hi, I'm doing an statical analysis of a 2D frame. I'm verifying the bending moment, the shear force and the displacement for a column but in some part of it the shear force is flipped (as in the image below). The column is the one with the "B" Fixed support. As you can see in the image, the shear force on the step should be negative, not positive. How can i change it? I've the same problem for another column but in that case is the displacement that is flipped only for the second floor column. Can someone pls help me?

    • Rameez_ul_Haq
      ,what I would be suggesting is that you should re-create the line bodie in DesignModuler or SpaceClaim, whose shear/moment/displacement is flipped as you claim, now by making the line body's end vertex to become its starting vertex and line body's start vertex to becomes its end vertex. Then re-establish the path and re-check its shear force, bending moment and displacement diagrams. Hopefully this will solve the problem.
      Also, one more option is that you can just try flipping the 'path oreintation' of that path, by right clicking path and choosing this option. And re-check again if it has solved the problem. I don't do this oftenly because sometimes it can also mess up the shear force, bending moment and displacement results.
      Elements in ANSYS has oreintations associated with it, so if the path orientation is not agreeing with the orientation of the elements, then it might be possible that you will see flipped results. Both of the above suggestions can be tried
      (I am assuming that you are sure the ANSYS itself is having flipped results, and the results with which you are cross-checking the ANSY results are absolutely correct).
    • Paolo9908
      Thanks for the answer, i'll try ASAP and i'm gonna tell you if it worked or not. Again, thanks a lot for the answer
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