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How to speed up exporting Ansys APDL results to txt file?

    • jfonken

      Dear all,

      I'm working on Ansys mechanical APDL simulations in which I'm mostly interested in the displacements and stresses. To speed up the post-processing, I export the displacements and stresses to a text file using *get and *vrwite. This works well, however, it takes a very long time to extract the data and to store it in a table. I do this using a *do loop over all the nodes, as shown below. Does anyone has any suggestions to circumvent using a *do loop by extracting the data for all nodes at once to speed up the post-processing? I couldn't find any command that does this in the APDL command reference.

    • mrife
      Ansys Employee
      Hi @jfonken replace all the *get commands, that are getting the nodal pre and post data, with *vget. Since you have a *vget already I'll assume you know how to use it and can look it up in the help. It does not have the U,SUM option, but you can do a array operation to calculate that from the x, y, z displacements.
      Also watch out as the last two *get commands have the () on the S instead of the Nodelist array.
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