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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Dynamic Mesh Adaptation : SBES

    • Bibill

      Dear all,

      I'd like to reproduce a dynamic mesh adaption methodology introduced in the conference proceedings Dynamic Mesh Adaptation for Scale-Resolving Reacting Flow Simulations (2021) - Yu Xia et al. (Ansys).

      In the present paper, they impose a refinement/coarsening of the mesh based on the LES index defined in equations (2,3,4) with the conditions (6a,6b).

    • aitor.amatriain
      You can access to the value of velocity components at the previous time step
      3.2.3. Cell Macros (ansys.com)
      so the mean value is obtained from the definition. The same applies to I.

    • Bibill

      Hi Aitor, thank you for your fast answer.
      If I understood well, is the mean velocity component obtained by averaging over 2 time-steps then?
    • aitor.amatriain
      No. Let's say that you have simulated n-1 time steps. Then, the mean value of a variable called U is:
      The value of the previous expression is known, so the mean value of U at t=t_n is:
      In fact, you do not need the values of the variables the previous time step. You only need to create a Custom Field Function/UDM to then rewrite the value at each time step.
    • Bibill
      Ok, great I understood! Yes, indeed we do not need the previous time step value then!

      Thank you very much, Aitor!
    • aitor.amatriain
      You are welcome!
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