

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Problem with C_YI(c,t,i)

    • isaps1860

      I have an UDF Code in which the the velocity and the mass fraction should be read in and give out a value of a table which is coded in. Example of the code for the velocity and mass frac:

      real xinput = C_U(c,t);

      real yinput =C_YI(c,t,i);

      For the velocity the code works and the code works fine if I put a value for C_YI(c,t,i) --> real yinput=0,19.

      But if I let C_YI(c,t.i) in the code, I get an error code 999999 and fluent crashes...

      Is there an additionally thing for the C_YI(c,t,i) macro I have to pay attention or what can be the problem?

    • aitor.amatriain
      Have you defined the value of the species index (i)?
    • isaps1860
      No I didn┬┤t define the value of the species index (i). Is this necessary? In the examples I have read there were no closer executions about i except the int i; -line
    • aitor.amatriain
      Yes, you need to specify the species index
    • isaps1860
      Thank you very much, is there an example for the specifying of the species index?
    • aitor.amatriain
      As far as I am concerned, starting from 0, the order is the same as the list appearing in the "Mixture" section in the "Materials" panel.
    • isaps1860
      Thanks for the answer but the problem still exists...Fluent also crashes with C_YI(c,t,0), C_YI(c,t,1) or other number values
      Cannot understand why with C_U(c,t) everything is fine and with C_YI(c,t,i) theres a problem. Scheme is the same (except the i factor)
    • aitor.amatriain
      Try to use C_YI in a simpler UDF (for example, you could define it as a post-processing variable by means of DEFINE_ADJUST macro).
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      As says C_YI(c,t,0) ought to pick up the first species in the mixture list. Please can you post the exact error message in it's entirety?
    • isaps1860
      The exact error message in the console window is:
      "999999: mpt_accept: error: accept failed: No error"
      and this message several times before Fluent crashes and closes
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      That's a parallel code warning. Is there anything just above that?
    • isaps1860
      Yes there┬┤s another error message above but because Fluent closes automatically after initializing or running the code, I couldn┬┤t get it. I will try to screenshot it on console if I will be fast enough :D

    • isaps1860
      Node 0: Process 19356: Received signal. SIGSEV.
      Is the first output in console after initializing or running
    • aitor.amatriain
      Could you please shows us the UDF (code)?
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      So the value doesn't exist and is then called. Can you initialise and then hook up the code? You're defining real yinput =C_YI(c,t,i); but depending on the order things are called C_YI(c,t,i) has no value until it's initialised.
    • isaps1860
      #include "udf.h"
      DEFINE_SOURCE(source, c, t, dS, eqn)
      Thread *tm=THREAD_SUPER_THREAD(t);
      Thread **pt = THREAD_SUB_THREADS(tm);
      Thread *tp = pt[0];
      Thread *ts = pt[1];
      Thread *sec;

      real source;
      int i;

      typedef struct
      double xCoordinate;
      double yCoordinate;
      double zCoordinate;
      } Point;

      int data[100];
      int number_of_points = 25;
      Point points[25];
      int main();

      Point test;
      Point test2 ={1, 2, 3};
      test.xCoordinate = 1;
      points[0].xCoordinate = 0; points[0].yCoordinate = 0; points[0].zCoordinate = 0.0978;
      points[1].xCoordinate = 0; points[1].yCoordinate = 0.10; points[1].zCoordinate = 0.068;
      points[2].xCoordinate = 0; points[2].yCoordinate = 0.20; points[2].zCoordinate = 0.0532;
      points[3].xCoordinate = 0; points[3].yCoordinate = 0.30; points[3].zCoordinate = 0.0132;
      points[4].xCoordinate = 0; points[4].yCoordinate = 0.40; points[4].zCoordinate = 0.0324;

      points[5].xCoordinate = 0.5; points[5].yCoordinate = 0; points[5].zCoordinate = 0.0244;
      points[6].xCoordinate = 0.5; points[6].yCoordinate = 0.10; points[6].zCoordinate = 0.0166;
      points[7].xCoordinate = 0.5; points[7].yCoordinate = 0.20; points[7].zCoordinate = 0.011;
      points[8].xCoordinate = 0.5; points[8].yCoordinate = 0.30; points[8].zCoordinate = 0.05;
      points[9].xCoordinate = 0.5; points[9].yCoordinate = 0.40; points[9].zCoordinate = 0.0092;

      points[10].xCoordinate = 1; points[10].yCoordinate = 0; points[10].zCoordinate = 0.0264;
      points[11].xCoordinate = 1; points[11].yCoordinate = 0.10; points[11].zCoordinate = 0.0148;
      points[12].xCoordinate = 1; points[12].yCoordinate = 0.20; points[12].zCoordinate = 0.011;
      points[13].xCoordinate = 1; points[13].yCoordinate = 0.30; points[13].zCoordinate = 0.0116;
      points[14].xCoordinate = 1; points[14].yCoordinate = 0.40; points[14].zCoordinate = 0.0444;

      points[15].xCoordinate = 1.5; points[15].yCoordinate = 0; points[15].zCoordinate = 0.0256;
      points[16].xCoordinate = 1.5; points[16].yCoordinate = 0.10; points[16].zCoordinate = 0.0132;
      points[17].xCoordinate = 1.5; points[17].yCoordinate = 0.20; points[17].zCoordinate = 0.0094;
      points[18].xCoordinate = 1.5; points[18].yCoordinate = 0.30; points[18].zCoordinate = 0.0092;
      points[19].xCoordinate = 1.5; points[19].yCoordinate = 0.40; points[19].zCoordinate = 0.258;

      points[20].xCoordinate = 2; points[20].yCoordinate = 0; points[20].zCoordinate = 0.027;
      points[21].xCoordinate = 2; points[21].yCoordinate = 0.10; points[21].zCoordinate = 0.014;
      points[22].xCoordinate = 2; points[22].yCoordinate = 0.20; points[22].zCoordinate = 0.0106;
      points[23].xCoordinate = 2; points[23].yCoordinate = 0.30; points[23].zCoordinate = 0.0122;
      points[24].xCoordinate = 2; points[24].yCoordinate = 0.40; points[24].zCoordinate = 0.5102;

      real xInput = C_U(c,tp);
      real yInput = C_YI(c,ts,i);

      printf("x = %.3f, y = %.3f", xInput, yInput);

      Point neighbors[4];
      neighbors[0] = points[0];
      neighbors[1] = points[0];
      neighbors[2] = points[0];
      neighbors[3] = points[0];

      for (int g = 0; g < number_of_points; g++)
      Point currentPoint = points[g];

      if (currentPoint.xCoordinate == floor(xInput))
      if (currentPoint.yCoordinate == floor(yInput))
      neighbors[0] = currentPoint;

      if (currentPoint.yCoordinate == ceil(yInput))
      neighbors[1] = currentPoint;


      if (currentPoint.xCoordinate == ceil(xInput))
      if (currentPoint.yCoordinate == floor(yInput))
      neighbors[2] = currentPoint;

      if (currentPoint.yCoordinate == ceil(yInput))
      neighbors[3] = currentPoint;


      if (currentPoint.xCoordinate <= xInput)
      if (currentPoint.yCoordinate <= yInput)
      if (xInput - currentPoint.xCoordinate <= xInput - neighbors[0].xCoordinate)
      if (yInput - currentPoint.yCoordinate <= yInput - neighbors[0].yCoordinate)
      neighbors[0] = currentPoint;

      if (currentPoint.xCoordinate >= xInput)
      if (currentPoint.yCoordinate <= yInput)
      if (neighbors[2].xCoordinate < xInput)
      neighbors[2] = currentPoint;

      if ((currentPoint.xCoordinate - xInput <= neighbors[2].xCoordinate - xInput))
      if (yInput - currentPoint.yCoordinate <= yInput - neighbors[2].yCoordinate)
      neighbors[2] = currentPoint;

      if (currentPoint.xCoordinate <= xInput)

      if (currentPoint.yCoordinate >= yInput)

      if ((xInput - currentPoint.xCoordinate <= xInput - neighbors[1].xCoordinate))

      if (neighbors[1].yCoordinate < yInput)
      neighbors[1] = currentPoint;

      if (currentPoint.yCoordinate - yInput <= neighbors[1].yCoordinate - yInput )

      neighbors[1] = currentPoint;


      if (currentPoint.xCoordinate >= xInput)
      if (currentPoint.yCoordinate >= yInput)
      if (neighbors[3].xCoordinate < xInput)
      neighbors[3] = currentPoint;

      if ((currentPoint.xCoordinate - xInput <= neighbors[3].xCoordinate - xInput))
      if (neighbors[3].yCoordinate < yInput)
      neighbors[3] = currentPoint;
      if ( currentPoint.yCoordinate - yInput <= neighbors[3].yCoordinate - yInput)
      neighbors[3] = currentPoint;

      double leftVertex = neighbors[0].zCoordinate + (neighbors[1].zCoordinate - neighbors[0].zCoordinate) / (neighbors[1].yCoordinate - neighbors[0].yCoordinate) * (yInput - neighbors[0].yCoordinate);
      double rightVertex = neighbors[2].zCoordinate + (neighbors[3].zCoordinate - neighbors[2].zCoordinate) / (neighbors[3].yCoordinate - neighbors[2].yCoordinate) * (yInput - neighbors[2].yCoordinate);
      double result = leftVertex + (rightVertex - leftVertex) / (neighbors[2].xCoordinate - neighbors[0].xCoordinate) * (xInput - neighbors[0].xCoordinate);
      printf("result : %f\n", result);

      source = result;

      dS[eqn] = 0;
      return source;
    • isaps1860
      Thank you for the note, that this error means a value is missing. But the result by starting it after the initialisation is the same
    • aitor.amatriain
      It seems that the value of the integer "i" is undefined
    • isaps1860
      Yes, in the sended code there is no definition of "i". But I┬┤ve also tried with the definition of 0 and 1 and the code crashes
      --> int i = 0; or also
      --> C_YI(c,ts,0)
    • aitor.amatriain
      Both species are present in both phase, right? If yes, either the second argument is wrong, or the macroC_YI is not valid for multiphase flows. I am not an expert in advanced multiphase macros, so I cannot help you.
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