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Doubt regarding Lumfoundry Template “wg_strip_sbend_parameterized”

    • gopikrishnangm

      Hi Lumerical

      Could you let me know if the radius of curvature of the waveguide in the Lumfoundry Template "wg_strip_sbend_parameterized" can be parametrized? I couldnt find information for Curvature "C" in the required data tab of the Lumerical support website for this template (

      In the .JSON file for this template there is an option for Curvature.

    • GWANG
      Ansys Employee
      Hi gopikrishnangm
      Thank you for the post. These numbers I believe can be modified by users in the JSON file, and based on the geometry definition of the s-bend WGD, you can also change the parameter "jog" and "x_length" and so on to tune the curvature of it.

    • gopikrishnangm
      Hi GWANG
      Thank you for the answer!
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