TAGGED: ansys-workbench, autocad, designmodeler, geometry-import
July 19, 2021 at 7:50 amgih1801Subscriber
Hello everyone,
I am facing a problem during importing IGS file (from AutoCAD Map 3D) to DesignModeler ANSYS 2020 R2. After I imported the file, it didn’t appear on the display DesignModeler screen. While, there is an error related to unvalidated model. Just like screenshot below.
July 21, 2021 at 7:44 pmmrifeAnsys Employeethe geometry is readable: the DM tree shows many solid bodies. Select the "1015 Parts, 1015 Bodies" object and check to see if the volume and/or area can be calculated. The geometry may be able to be pushed to meshing, just not manipulated with DM. You can try the different Import options to see if any of the tool choices result in a 'better' import.
That looks like a city - being zoomed into 1 meter resolution is a little to close would be my guess. Try a right-click zoom-to-fit.
DM has a 1 km^3 limit; +/- 500 m box to model in. If that really is a city and its larger than 1 km try Units -> Large Model Support; On. Then do the import.
August 25, 2023 at 5:18 pmrama govindSubscriberi cant upload igs images in import from geometry option
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