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Two parallel conductors

    • OROI


      Why forces between conductors do not change direction like it should? Plot shows that in first 10ms, current is flowing same direction in both conductors and after 10ms current flow is opposite. When current is flowing same direction conductors should have an attractive force and plot shows that is correct. When current is opposite, conductors should have repulsive force, but plot shows that it is not, which is not correct. Why simulation act like that?

    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee
      Hello OROI There are some information related to this issue.
      1). Meshing: We may have a good meshing on the geometry and surface, because absolute values of two forces should be same. It means total force would be zero. We could do meshing linking between magnetostatics and transient solver.
      2). Region: we need a big region to cover the geometry for accurate results. I suggest to make 5000 for X direction of this model.
      We should get the following similar results. Thanks.

    • OROI
      I made larger region and now when the current is opposite, conductors have repulsive force like it should, but force value is smaller. Is there any information of that "meshing linking between magnetostatics and transient solver" how to do it?
    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      For "import mesh", please review the manual on "Import mesh" in Maxwell Help>Specifying Solution Settings>Setting Analysis Parameters for Transient Solutions>Setup Link for Transient Solutions. Thanks.

    • OROI
      I tried setup link for transient solution, but i got error "The source and target models should be geometrically equivalent". I don't understand why source and target geometry is not equivalent?
      Here is screenshot https://ibb.co/FJG6nWW

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