May 12, 2021 at 5:57 am
I have a question regarding running fluent under slurm asking for 2 nodes and 32 core per node having in total 64. The Batch code i am submitting to SLURM is:
#SBATCH --job-name=64cores     ## Name of the job.
#SBATCH -A hetaha_lab    ## account to charge
#SBATCH -p standard         ## partition/queue name
#SBATCH --nodes=2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ## (-N) number of nodes to use
#SBATCH --mem=15GÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ## request NGB of memory
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32 ## number of processes to launch per node
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1Â Â Â ## number of MPI threads
#SBATCH --error=slurm-%J.err ## error log file
module load ansys/2019R2
fluent 3ddp -t$SLURM_NTASKS -g -i jou_64.jou
When i do so fluent runs only on one machine and limits the number of cores to the max of this machine, here is what i get from fluent console
data/opt/apps/ansys/2019R2/v194/fluent/fluent19.4.0/bin/fluent -r19.4.0 3ddp -t64 -g -i jou_64.jou
/data/opt/apps/ansys/2019R2/v194/fluent/fluent19.4.0/cortex/lnamd64/cortex.19.4.0 -f fluent -g -i jou_64.jou (fluent "3ddp -pshmem -host -r19.4.0 -t64 -mpi=ibmmpi -path/data/opt/apps/ansys/2019R2/v194/fluent -ssh")
/data/opt/apps/ansys/2019R2/v194/fluent/fluent19.4.0/bin/fluent -r19.4.0 3ddp -pshmem -host -t64 -mpi=ibmmpi -path/data/opt/apps/ansys/2019R2/v194/fluent -ssh -cx hpc3-14-09.local:34889:44422
Starting /data/opt/apps/ansys/2019R2/v194/fluent/fluent19.4.0/lnamd64/3ddp_host/fluent.19.4.0 host -cx hpc3-14-09.local:34889:44422 "(list (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/function) "fluent 3ddp -flux -node -r19.4.0 -t64 -pshmem -mpi=ibmmpi -ssh") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/rhost) "") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/ruser) "") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/nprocs_string) "64") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/auto-spawn?) #t) (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/trace-level) 0) (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/remote-shell) 1) (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/path) "/data/opt/apps/ansys/2019R2/v194/fluent") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/hostsfile) "") )"
             Welcome to ANSYS Fluent 2019 R2
             Copyright 1987-2019 ANSYS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
             Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication is prohibited.
             This product is subject to U.S. laws governing export and re-export.
             For full Legal Notice, see documentation.
Build Time: Apr 17 2019 13:39:08 EDTÂ Build Id: 10133Â
    This is an academic version of ANSYS FLUENT. Usage of this product
    license is limited to the terms and conditions specified in your ANSYS
    license form, additional terms section.
Host spawning Node 0 on machine "hpc3-14-09" (unix).
/data/opt/apps/ansys/2019R2/v194/fluent/fluent19.4.0/bin/fluent -r19.4.0 3ddp -flux -node -t64 -pshmem -mpi=ibmmpi -ssh -mport
Starting /data/opt/apps/ansys/2019R2/v194/fluent/fluent19.4.0/multiport/mpi/lnamd64/ibmmpi/bin/mpirun -e MPI_IBV_NO_FORK_SAFE=1 -e MPI_USE_MALLOPT_MMAP_MAX=0 -np 64 /data/opt/apps/ansys/2019R2/v194/fluent/fluent19.4.0/lnamd64/3ddp_node/fluent_mpi.19.4.0 node -mpiw ibmmpi -pic shmem -mport
ID    Hostname   Core  O.S.     PID         Vendor                   Â
n0-63Â hpc3-14-09Â 64/40Â Linux-64Â 19514-19577Â Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148
host  hpc3-14-09        Linux-64 19292       Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148
MPI Option Selected: ibmmpi
Selected system interconnect: shared-memory
Reading journal file jou_64.jou...
Can some one help, how to run fluent on multiple node under SLURM.
May 18, 2021 at 1:02 pmJakeC
Ansys EmployeeHi You need to tell fluent which nodes slurm has picked out for it.
Try the following:
#SBATCH --job-name=64cores## Name of the job.
#SBATCH -A hetaha_lab## account to charge
#SBATCH -p standard## partition/queue name
#SBATCH --nodes=2## (-N) number of nodes to use
#SBATCH --mem=15G## request NGB of memory
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32 ## number of processes to launch per node
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1## number of MPI threads
#SBATCH --error=slurm-%J.err ## error log file
module load ansys/2019R2
FLUENTNODES="$(scontrol show hostnames)"
FLUENTNODES=$(echo $FLUENTNODES | tr ' ' ',')
fluent 3ddp -t$SLURM_NTASKS -g-cnf=$FLUENTNODES -i jou_64.jou
Thank you Jake
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