September 7, 2018 at 5:10 pm
September 7, 2018 at 5:11 pmjesseahlquistSubscriber
I tried posting in the fluent group. I was definitely below 6000 characters, so how am I supposed to get around this to post my question? Which symbols are not allowed for type "string"
September 7, 2018 at 5:38 pmjesseahlquistSubscriber
I was finally able to submit my discussion. However, I am still curious.
September 9, 2018 at 3:54 ampeteroznewmanSubscriber
Hi Jesse,
This site is a bit fussy when it comes to content that will successfully post.
If you are typing in MS Word, and copy and paste, you can bring a whole lot of extra hidden characters that can push you over the 6000 character limit. You can see those characters if you click the <> button in the toolbar. The best way to avoid that is to paste it into a text editor like Notepad (or Notepad++), then copy it out of there and then paste it into the text input for posting.
Even if you do the above, another defect in this website is that it reads the characters and tries to interpret it as html code. So if you have a lot of parenthesis and some equals signs, it will think that is code, but it will not pass the code validation check, so it just refuses to do anything and sits there. I have rewritten some things and taken out some characters that had code-like characters, then it would accept the post. Sometimes, I would take a screen snapshot of what I wanted to type, erase the text and insert an the screen snapshot as an image in order to compete the post.
It can be frustrating sometimes.
September 13, 2018 at 6:58 pmjesseahlquistSubscriber
Thanks for the great explanation, and suggestions for how to avoid this problem. I'm glad this is a real issue, and not simply by own foolishness.
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