We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.

Guidelines for Posting on Ansys Learning Forum

You can only actively participate in the Learning Forum if you are registered and logged in, otherwise the site is read only. i.e. You can only browse. Once you are logged in you will see a "Start a New Post” button under each channel.

Use it to start a discussion or ask a question. Before you do that please browse the Learning Forum to see if anyone has already asked the same question. You can use the search feature to look for keywords, and you can narrow your search in specific categories. You can also use the "Popular Tags" to find related posts.

 Here are some guidelines to posting: 

  • If a post answers your original question, please mark it as a “Resolved” so that it might help someone in the future. This will help reduce repetitive questions and help provide better support on this Forum.
  • If you find a post to be helpful, please consider liking it by hitting the “Like” button.
  • If you have a new question, please create a new thread. Posts with a lot of discussions and lengthy answers tend to get less attention from someone who might help.
  • Please post your question in the appropriate category. This will expedite the support process and might help you get quicker responses. Many of our experts only monitor threads based on their fields of expertise and in order to get their attention posting your question in the correct category becomes critical.
  • Please consider inserting appropriate tags (of the product, physics being used etc.)  when starting a new discussion. As discussed in bullet 4 this tends to get more attention.
  • Once you learn a certain answer or have gained expertise in a certain topic in a discussion, please consider taking a moment to help someone out on the Forum.
  • Please use the ‘Insert Image’ option to share your images. Please refrain from using the ‘Attach’ option as much as possible for sharing images
  • Forum Coordinators (Ansys Employees) are not allowed to download and access any software files uploaded by users. So, for better support, try to insert images as much as possible to explain your problem.
  • Forum Coordinators will not solve your specific simulation problem to provide deeper insights so please keep your question short and up to the point.
  • Please do not post screenshots taken from Ansys product documentation. You can mention the chapter/section number with links from the documentation.
  • Please do not post screenshots of Ansys confidential material (slides, notes, files, documents) taken from other sources such as Ansys Learning Hub, Customer portal etc.

Forum Rules of Conduct

You may use the Learning Forum for the sole purpose of sharing and exchanging ideas with other Learning Forum users and in strict accordance with the following requirements and guidelines:
  • Any information you post in the Learning Forum will become public information. You agree to use the Learning Forum in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, or judicial requirements.
  • You shall not upload or transmit any material that infringes or misappropriates any person’s copyright, patent, trademark, or trade secret, nor should you disclose any information that would constitute a violation of any confidentiality obligations you may have to ANSYS, Inc. or to any third party;
  • You may only register for one user account for yourself and you may not register for a user account on behalf of any individual other than yourself.
  • You are prohibited from soliciting Learning Forum users from joining outside websites or online organizations.
  • You are expressly prohibited from compiling and using Learning Forum users’ personal information that may be accessible to you for the purpose of creating marketing lists or using such information for commercial or any other solicitation purposes.
  • You are prohibited from accessing or attempting to access any other Learning Forum user’s account or misrepresent or attempt to misrepresent your identity while using the Learning Forum.
  • You are prohibited from posting or transmitting Content that discusses illegal activities with the intent to commit them, Content that is libelous or that defames or threatens any other Learning Forum users, harassing statements, hate speech, or Content that could generally be considered obscene anywhere in the Learning Forum:
  • You are prohibited from engaging in any conduct or activity that restricts or inhibits any other Learning Forum user from using or enjoying the site or expose any other Learning Forum user to any liability or detriment of any type.
  • You are prohibited from taking any action that could have an effect of damaging the public forum or its security or using any device, software, or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the public forum site;
  • You are prohibited from using or attempting to use any search engine, software, tool, agent or other device or mechanism to navigate, search, or collect data from the site other than any search engines or search agents that are made available to you on the Learning Forum site;
  • You are prohibited from posting Content that could be confused with official communications of ANSYS, Inc. or another Learning Forum user.
  • Your use must be in accordance with ANSYS’ Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code, which provides guidance on how to conduct business ethically and responsibly. You can review the terms of the Code here.
If you have questions, concerns or need advice please refer to the Code or contact a member of the Compliance Team via compliance@ansys.com.

Using Help with Links

Occasionally people will send links to the Help system rather than give a reference. These trigger a password check on the Ansys system, but....
For anyone who is having the same problem as I have, i.e., not being able to access the URL (shows Customer Portal Login). You can access these links by:
  1. First open the help section of Ansys through the software ( ? button on the upper-right side of the Fluent Solver User Interface: This opens help in a browser)
  2. Copy the link you want to access
  3. Past it in browser URL (new tab) where the help documentation had been opened.
You can access these links. Just in case this helps someone.
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