Improving Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Process Efficiencies Using Ansys Solutions


Accurate design and optimization of the semiconductor fabrication process/equipment for yield improvements and faster time-to-market require multiphysics simulation, which can address various physical interactions and phenomena. By encompassing factors from contamination challenges to ensuring uniform product outcomes, engineers can leverage such simulations to generate innovative ideas for optimized processes and cutting-edge solutions in semiconductor fabrication.

This webinar will demonstrate the practical application of Ansys tools in understanding the impact of various parameters on diverse wafer fabrication processes and fine-tuning them to improve yields and reduce wafer cycle time.

What you will learn

  • Importance of simulation in fabrication processes
  • Reduce wafer cycle time
  • Model fabrication process with Ansys tools
  • Optimize of fabrication processes
  • System-level modeling of fabrication processes

Who should attend

Engineers and Engineering Managers/Directors, Manufacturing teams, Etch teams, Deposition teams, NPI teams and Aftermarket teams


  • Nima Bohlooli, Senior Application Engineer, Ansys
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