We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.

Ansys 2024 R2: Electronics Thermal Reliability with AEDT Icepak What’s New


Ansys Icepak has been providing a powerful electronic thermal management solution for years. The latest release of AEDT Icepak continues this trend, bringing many new features to enhance Icepak workflows and continuously improve its effectiveness.

The latest AEDT Icepak features enhanced automatic meshing technology called Thermal Mesh Fusion, which helps create quality meshes with minimal manual intervention. In electrothermal simulations, the transient variation of the electromagnetic losses can be relevant in specific applications. Icepak is introducing the transient EM loss multiplier feature to cater to this need. IC packages are at the core of electronics systems and their development.

Ansys EDT Icepak introduces a new workflow for creating a boundary-condition-independent ROM using Delphi-like OR user-customized boundary conditions to characterize the IC packages and embed these ROMs in the system-level models.

AEDT Icepak 2024 R2 is a user-friendly and powerful tool that significantly improves engineering productivity. It provides faster, more accurate reduced-order modeling and enhances integration with other Ansys tools. This webinar showcases the user-friendly features that make the new edition of Ansys Icepak more robust and accessible to all engineers and technical professionals.

What attendees will learn

  • Thermal Mesh Fusion for faster and fully automated meshing
  • Enhanced MCM Delphi ROM for accurate IC package modeling with reduced complexity
  • Newly added EM transient loss multiplier for the time-based variation of the EM losses
  • Workbench Integration of AEDT Icepak
  • Added features like solar loading and Ideal gas law for density calculations


Tejas Jeurkar

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