We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.

Cornell SimCafe Fluids

This SimCafe Fluids Learning Track was developed by Dr. Rajesh Bhaskaran at Cornell University in partnership with Ansys. It serves as an e-learning resource to integrate industry-standard simulation tools into courses and provides a resource for supplementary learning outside the classroom. The following courses show how to solve selected fluid flow problems using Ansys Fluent. These tutorial-based courses follow the same high-level steps; starting with pre-analysis and ending with verification and validation. The successful completion of these simulation courses will provide a thorough understanding of how to set up a CFD simulation using Ansys Fluent.  

Innovation Course

3D Bifurcating Artery

Bio-medical researchers have been relying on computational fluid dynamics to model and understand the physical mechanisms behind the formation and progression of hemodynamic disorders. Wall shear stress (WSS) exerted on the walls of the blood vessel due to the flow of...Read more

Innovation Course

Compressible Flow in a Nozzle

One of the most common application of a converging-diverging nozzle is in a supersonic wind tunnel. The inlet flow into the converging section is subsonic and as the cross sectional area of the converging section decreases, the flow velocity increases until it reache...Read more

Innovation Course

3D Transonic Flow Over a Wing

Airplane wings have streamlined cross-sections. When air flows over these wings, the aerodynamic forces generated on the wing maintains the aircraft in the air. The vertical force responsible for keeping the aircraft in flight is called the lift force. In aerodynamic...Read more

Innovation Course

2D Transient Diffusion

The motion of any substance from a high concentration area to a low concentration area is commonly referred to as diffusion. The process of diffusion takes place completely because of concentration gradients. Many examples of diffusion can be found in eve...Read more

Innovation Course

3D Convection in an Electronics Box

Cooling electronics components is important for smooth, reliable operation. The thermal power generated by the electronics is detrimental to their operation and often leads to premature failure and a shortened lifecycle. The thermal energy generated by these se...Read more

Innovation Course

3D Steady Diffusion

Diffusion is a process resulting from the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. It is completely driven by a concentration gradient. A gas held in a container is a good example of diffusion. These fluid particles are contin...Read more

Innovation Course

Partially Premixed Combustion

Combustion includes two processes — thermal and chemical — in which a hydrocarbon fuel reacts with an oxidant to form products, accompanied by the release of energy in the form of heat. It is an integral part of various engineering applications like internal combusti...Read more

Innovation Course

Particles in Double Shear Layer

Multi-phase flows is simply any fluid flow system consisting of two or more distinct phases flowing simultaneously in a mixture with some level of phase separation at a scale well above the molecular level. A mixing layer is formed when two parallel streams of flui...Read more

Innovation Course

Turbulent Pipe Flow (LES)

Most fluid flows (gas or liquid) are turbulent in nature.These flows are characterized by unsteady and irregular fluctuations of transport quantities such as mass, momentum and species in both space and time. These fluctuations enhance flow mixing. Examples of these flows...Read more

Innovation Course

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine — Part 1

Nonrenewable energy resources are depleting, and renewable alternatives are gaining attention. One of the main renewable energy alternatives is wind energy. Wind turbines are used to capture the kinetic energy of the wind and convert it into electrical energy. De...Read more

Innovation Course

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine — Part 2

Humans utilize both renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy daily for power generation. With increased demands for clean energy as well as technological advancement bringing the overall costs down, the renewable power sector is thriving. Solar, wind, and hyd...Read more

Innovation Course

Steady Flow Past a Cylinder

Chimneys are tall cylindrical structures used for venting exhaust gases into the atmosphere. With their increased usage in industries, it is important to study the aerodynamic effects of wind on these chimneys. As wind speed increases, the pressure forces experienced...Read more

Innovation Course

Wind Blade Analysis for Wind Power

Renewable energy sources are crucial to meet our fast-growing energy demands. They are clean sources of energy and are slowly displacing conventional sources such as fossil fuels. Out of available renewable energy resources, wind energy is av...Read more

Innovation Course

3D Bifurcating Artery (Steady)

Today’s fast-paced lifestyle has forced changes to our eating habits, including, for some, the consumption of more fast-foods. These are usually highly processed and contain large amounts of sugars, unhealthy fats, and sodium. Unhealthy eating habits are detriment...Read more

Innovation Course

Steady-State Laminar Convection

On a daily basis, we use various heat transfer systems such as boilers, condensers, and radiators in heating and cooling applications. Most of these systems transfer thermal energy by convection. Convection is an important heat transfer mode where thermal energ...Read more

Innovation Course

Sudden Expansion in Laminar Flow

In a flow network, the flowing fluid encounters devices and attachments such as valves and bends.  In addition to this, the fluids also may experience sudden expansions or contractions during the flow. Due to these inevitable pipe fittings and designs, the fluid e...Read more

Innovation Course

Flat Plate Laminar Boundary Layer

The external fluid flow can be defined as the flow around a body such that the body is completely submerged in it, for example, flow around turbine blades, submarines, and airplanes, etc. Engineers study and analyze these flows to understand and estimate the two ...Read more

Innovation Course

Turbulent Pipe Flow (RANS)

Most flows we encounter on a daily basis are turbulent. Ocean waves, oil transported in pipelines, and exhaust gases from the catalytic converter of an automobile are few examples of turbulent flow. The turbulent flow is chaotic where the fluid undergoes irregular fluctua...Read more

Innovation Course

Flow over an Airfoil

An airfoil is the cross-sectional shape of the wing of an airplane or a propeller blade. The airfoil body is designed to mainly produce two aerodynamic forces: (1) perpendicular to the free stream flow, which is called the lift force, and (2) a resistive force in the directio...Read more

Innovation Course

Turbulent Forced Convection

Convective heat transfer occurs when there is an energy exchange between a flowing fluid and a solid body. This energy exchange or heat transfer occurs at the surface of the solid which is in contact with the fluid and is primarily governed by the temperature differenc...Read more

Innovation Course

Laminar and Turbulent Jets

In many industrial applications, such as combustors and mixers, the flow introduced into the flow domain is in the form of a jet. A jet, which is a type of free shear flow, is exhaust from a confined source such as a nozzle into the quiescent surrounding. It is generall...Read more

Innovation Course

Estimation of Lift Force

Most fluid flows are relatively simple, like the air flow over a car or water flow inside a pipe. A good understanding of flow physics helps engineers design efficient products. The flow characteristics for such problems c...Read more

Innovation Course

Supersonic Flow Over a Wedge

When the velocity of the object exceeds the speed of sound in the same medium, it is said to have achieved a supersonic speed. The Mach number, which is the characteristic non-dimensional number often used to describe the velocity of the object w...Read more

Innovation Course

Unsteady Flow Past a Cylinder

Many industries have chimneys for ventilation of exhaust gases or smoke produced by a furnace, boiler, etc. Due to their height, the external air flowing over these tall chimneys exert aerodynamic forces on them. The structural integrity of these chimneys is, the...Read more


Cornell SimCafe Fluids — Learning Track Completion Badge

This badge is available upon successful completion of the "Cornell SimCafe Fluids" Learning Track.