Running Topology Optimization using Command Line

Question - How to run a Topology optimization (linked) analysis from the command line?

Answer - The typical procedure for most linked analysis is discussed in KM# 2060327

However, this is not recommended for the following reasons:

1. The reason is that two different programs are needed to solve Static and Topo. Topo is solved with
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v201\aisol\bin\winx64\Ans.Topo.Optimizer.exe (If you still use an older version it might be in a different directory and might have a slightly different name).

2. We do not recommend to call Ans.Topo.Optimizer.exe directly. That is too risky. Even when the optimization starts it can happen that you solve an unwanted problem (e.g. different BCs). All input files must be placed in the same directory as Mechanical places the files and the path given in Parameter.txt must be correct. This shouldn't be done manually because it is too error-prone. That is why we strongly recommend to start TopoOptimzer using Mechanical.