Displaying Additional Information in Ansys Fluent Graphics Windows

How to display additional information in Ansys Fluent graphics windows using titles or annotations?

It can be useful to add additional information in the graphics windows (viewports). It can be as simple as just showing the flow time or some explanation text that is fixed to a certain position. There are two possible mechanisms.
The title bar is hidden by default in recent versions. It shows a general description, the flow time, the date Ansys Fluent was started, the application version and the active models by default. Some of this information can be changed using text commands.

An alternative approach is to use annotations to add text directly at a user-defined location in the view-port. The behavior is different when using the text commands interactively or in a journal file or script. It is also different when showing a plot (e.g. residuals) or when showing solution data (e.g. a contour plot).

For more details on both these approaches, refer to this document.