Analyzing more than One Design - Lesson 3

In this lesson, we will show how numerical simulation proves to be a powerful tool in providing engineers with insight about a model's design by comparing more than one designIn Ansys Workbench, multiple design points and comparison studies for input and output parameters can be easily calculated. This serves useful for what-if analysis to see how results vary as per the inputs, understanding the performance of the design over a range of specified conditions.

Alternate video link.

Video Highlights

1:31 - Use of Workbench for Design Point studies

2:10 - Introduction to types of Parameters

2:58 - Defining Parameters

3:36 - Understanding Parameter set

4:13 - Virtues of Design Point study

4:37 - How to set up Design Points using table?

6:13 - Obtaining results of the design points using table and charts

7:14 - How to set up a Parametric model using Ansys Mechanical?

7:56 - Defining derived Parameter

9:17 - Setting up the output Parameters

10:39 - Setting up and solving the Design Points for the Parametric Study

12:01 - Analyzing results using charts for Parametric Study

Simulation Files

Download the accompanying geometry and archived files used in the video lesson here. Download Ansys Student for free here.