Matlab Script

function [dat, titles] = read_fluent_ascii(fname)

% Function to read the ascii comma-separated-value file exported from 
% FLUENT named fname.
% Input:
%  fname  - Character string of file name of exported data. May be either a
%           complete path, or a single file name (the latter only if the
%           file is located in the current work directory
% Output:
%  dat    - Double-precision real of size [num_nodes,num_variables] 
%           containing the values of the exported data. The first two
%           columns are the x and y locations of the nodes, respectively.
%           num_nodes is the total number of nodes in the exported data.
%           num_variables is the total number of variables in the data.
%  titles - Array of strings of size [num_variables] containing a 
%           FLUENT-provided character string corresponding to each variable
%           in the exported data.

fid   = fopen(fname);
tline = fgetl(fid);
str   = strread(tline,'%s','delimiter',',');
titles = str;
n = length(titles);

done = 0;
max_nodes = 2e6;
dat = zeros(max_nodes,n);
i = 0;
while done == 0
  tline = fgetl(fid);
  if tline == -1
    done = 1;
    i = i + 1;
    if i > max_nodes
      disp('Error: increase value of max_nodes');
    dat(i,:) = strread(tline,'%f','delimiter',',');
nnodes = i;
dat = dat(1:nnodes,:);