Using PyFluent Parametric – Lesson 5

PyFluent-Parametric provides Pythonic access to Ansys Fluent's parametric workflows. In this lesson, with an example CFD problem of a static mixer, we will learn how to set up a Parametric study workflow using PyFluent-Parametric package. This will involve defining input and output parameters and modifying, adding, duplicating, or deleting a design point. Additionally, we will learn how to create, initialize, and update a parametric design point study, generate parametric report, export a design point table, and save a Parametric project.

Important Links

PyFluent-Parametric documentation:

For additional questions or concerns, log an issue or initiate a discussion on the PyFluent repository on GitHub:


Workshop Files

Download the files here to follow the video step-by-step.

Alternate video link.