PyFluent Installation – Lesson 2

To use PyFluent, you must first download and install Python, PyFluent packages, and other required Python libraries if they are not already present on your system. For many users, this can be a daunting task. However, there is no need to worry. In this lesson, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions and guide you through the installation process.

This lesson is divided into two parts. The first part showcases the Ansys Python Manager, while the second part outlines the installation process through the conventional command line.


Important Links

PyAnsys documentation:

Download Ansys Python Manager:

Download Python:

For additional questions or concerns, log an issue or initiate a discussion on the PyFluent repository on GitHub:


Using the Ansys Python Manager – Lesson 2, Part 1

Ansys Python Manager is an open-source graphical installation tool. It simplifies the installation process of Python and related packages, which can be overwhelming for beginners. In this part, we will showcase how to use Ansys Python Manager to install Python, PyFluent packages, IDEs, and commonly used Python libraries. We will take a quick look at the various features of this tool and see how it can make the installation process a breeze.

Alternate video link.

Using the Command line in PyFluent – Lesson 2, Part 2

If you have already completed the installation process covered in part 1, you may skip this part. In this part, we will guide you through installing Python, PyFluent packages, IDEs, and several Python libraries via the command line, which is a text-based interface that allows users to interact with a computer's operating system. The command line approach is the more convectional method for installing Python and its libraries.

Alternate video link.