Bandwidth Estimation Constants - Part I — Lesson 1

This lesson covers the concept of bandwidth estimation techniques, specifically focusing on the method of open circuit time constants. It explains how to estimate the bandwidth of a given circuit quickly and accurately. The lesson also discusses the limitations of this method, such as its inability to work with inductors and capacitors simultaneously. The lesson uses the example of a CMOS RF integrated circuit to illustrate the process of bandwidth estimation. It also provides a step-by-step guide on how to calculate the open circuit time constants and how to use these calculations to estimate the bandwidth of a circuit.

Video Highlights

00:30 - Introduction
04:17 - Method of open circuit time constants and its limitations and applications.
08:01 - Step-by-step example of using the method of open circuit time constants to estimate bandwidth in a MOSFET device.
30:10 - Proof of the method of open circuit time constants
39:07 - Continuation of the example with modifications to the design to improve the bandwidth

Key Takeaways

- The method of open circuit time constants is a quick and accurate way to estimate the bandwidth of a given circuit.
- This method assumes that the system is a low pass system and works best when the system has only poles.
- The method involves removing each capacitor from the circuit, measuring the resistance, and calculating the time constant.
- The 3 dB bandwidth is the reciprocal of the sum of all the time constants.
- The method has limitations, such as its inability to work with inductors and capacitors simultaneously.