Add Local Sizing in Ansys Fluent Meshing Watertight Geometry Workflow
In this course, the focus is on understanding the Add Local Sizing task of the Ansys Fluent Meshing Watertight Geometry Workflow. This course consists of 7 videos and will take you through various aspects of local sizing methods. In the first video, we will look at defining edge, face, and body sizing functions and their influence on the surface mesh distribution. Next, we will learn about Body of Influence (BOI) and Face of Influence (FOI) local sizing techniques. Before going into the details of how to set these methods up in the watertight geometry workflow, we will first understand what these are and the care that needs to be taken while creating them at the CAD level. Next, we will go into detail regarding the curvature and proximity local sizing functions. Finally, we will learn about the different types of local refinement regions such as Box and Offset type, how to set them up in the watertight geometry workflow.