Nonlinear System with Hard Excitations — Lesson 1

This lesson covers the concept of non-linear vibration and different types of damping in non-linear systems. It delves into the single degree of freedom system and the use of various perturbation methods to find the response in these systems. The lesson also explains the concept of a damper, such as a spring mass damper system, and how it functions in a linear spring mass damper system. It further discusses the different types of damping, including viscous damping and Coulomb damping, and how they affect the system. The lesson also introduces the concept of active and passive dampers and how they can be manipulated to change the damping property of the system.

Video Highlights

00:30 - Introduction to non-linear vibration and damping systems
03:08 - Concept of Coulomb damping
06:38 - Passive and active damping
13:00 - Krylov Bogoliubov method (KBM) of averaging for finding the solution of a system
46:58 - Response of a system with Rayleigh damping

Key Takeaways

- Non-linear vibration involves different types of damping in non-linear systems.
- Damping can be manipulated in a system using active and passive dampers.
- Viscous damping and Coulomb damping are two types of damping that can affect the system.
- The damping property of a system can be changed by applying external stimulation, such as a magnetic field.