This lesson covers the symmetrical displacement of mechanical and electrical aspects in relation to two coils. The lesson explains how the excitation of the coils affects the magnetic field vectors and the resultant flux vector. It also discusses the concept of rotating magnetic fields and how they are influenced by the mechanical displacement and electrical excitation of the coils. For instance, the lesson uses the example of two coils, AA dash and BB dash, mechanically displaced by 90 degrees and electrically excited with a 90-degree phase shift, to illustrate the formation of symmetrical rotating magnetic fields.
00:23 - Introduction
00:47 - Discussion on the excitation of the coils
02:21 - Analysis of the magnetic field vectors and resultant flux vector
21:30 - Understanding of rotating magnetic fields
- The symmetrical displacement of mechanical and electrical aspects in two coils plays a crucial role in the formation of magnetic fields in AC machines.
- The excitation of the coils influences the magnetic field vectors and the resultant flux vector.
- Rotating magnetic fields are formed due to the symmetrical mechanical displacement and electrical excitation of the coils.
- Changing the electrical phase shift or mechanical displacements can disrupt the formation of symmetrical rotating magnetic fields.