Viewing Results While Solving in APDL – Lesson 2

How to see results while it is solving in MAPDL?

In SMP runs (normal mode), when we have analysis for several load cases, it is possible to copy the RST/RTH files at any point in time and post-process the results. For this, you can launch a second MAPDL session and post-process from RST/RTH file that is being currently solved in another process.

While using DMP runs, we can combine the RST/RTH files at any time and process the results. For this, you need to copy all the split files into one location and issue the "COMBINE command. You can learn more about the COMBINE command in the Help Document here - Combine Command

In both cases, once the RST/RTH file is available, you can issue following commands:

FILE,'ABC','rst','.' !!where ABC is name of RST file.

After that, you can post-process the required results.