Frequency Results for Set of Nodes — Lesson 5

How do you output results for a set of nodes for all frequencies (or time)?

It depends on the number of nodes (degrees of freedom, or DOF) you have versus the number of frequencies you are querying:

  1. If the number of frequencies is very large relative to the number of nodes you are querying, then using a script is most efficient.
  2. If the number of nodes is large relative to the number of frequencies, then using *VGET in /POST1 may be more efficient (i.e., load a result set, then *VGET the displacements into an array).
  3. During solution, it's also possible to print out nodal displacements for a specified nodal component in the solver output file with the OUTPR command.

The downside is that you have to specify this prior to solving, and there is no control over the formatting.

However, some users prefer this option since it provides a data dump of the DOF solution, and they would use tools to extract the information from the .out file.