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Ansys Speos Rayfile Source Creation — Lesson 1

In this lesson, we will understand how to use a ray data measurement to create a Speos ray file source. It allows you to model a light source thanks to a virtual source (rayfile) created from a measured light source. The ray file contains information like direction, power, and wavelength.


  • Ray data set
  • A document explaining how to correctly position the ray file in the scene.
  • The datasheet and CAD of the LED (recommended)

These prerequisites are typically made available by LED manufacturers.

Note that rayfiles contain a finite number of rays. In simulation, it is not recommended to launch more rays than those contained in the rayfile because the exceeding rays overlap the previous ones without giving a significant contribution to the result. They also increase the simulation time. However, this is the case unless there are bulk scattering materials or surfaces. In this scenario, you're not limited by the number of rays in the ray set, as these materials/surfaces are random in nature.

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