Now it is time to prepare the connection definitions. Normally, the program's definitions are able to read the geometry and automatically link it correctly with connections. However, we have all types of geometry: shell (a 2D plane that has a defined, but not meshed, thickness), a line body (a 1D body with a defined, but not meshed, cross section) and a solid (a normal, meshed, 3D material). The program does not automatically know how to connect between these things. Is it a rotating joint, a solid joint, maybe translational?
We will have four types of connections we need to define:
1. Rigid joint to surface
2. Solid surface to shell surfaces
3. Solid edges to shell surfaces
4. Rigid joint to solid surface
Please go through the following topics which discuss the above connection types. The last topic, "Physics Setup" discusses the boundary conditions for the simulation.