We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
The steps below outline how to access your Ansys Learning Cloud virtual machine.
The Ansys Learning Cloud registration link is provided through the Product Activation process for individual products purchased. Once activated, bookmark https://labs.azure.com/virtualmachines for convenient access to your VM's.
You will need a Microsoft account in order to access the Ansys Learning Cloud Virtual Machine.
Sign in with your Microsoft account with the email address used in AIC Marketplace site. You can create a Microsoft account with a non-Microsoft email account.
You should see a Virtual Machine in your account called "Ansys Learning Cloud Core 1".
The name of the Virtual Machine varies.
Start this VM using the slider with the current status of "Stopped".
The status of the VM should change to "Starting". This process will take several minutes to complete.
Once the status of the VM indicates "Running" you can use the computer icon to start your remote session.
Clicking this icon should open a Password window.
Enter a new Password and Click "Set password" button.
Remember your password. You will need it each time you are accessing the VM.
If you have forgotten your password, send a request to aic-help@ansys.com to reset it.
Setting up the password may take several minutes.
Once the password has been set, clicking the computer icon in the lower right should download a "Ansys Learning Cloud Core 1.rdp" file to your local computer.
“Ansys Learning Cloud Core 1.rdp” will be downloaded to your local computer. This is a file with connectivity settings which, when opened, should start Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Connection application.
Once the Desktop Connection Application opens at your side.
Password screen will prompt, you will need to enter the password and Click "Ok"
You should now have access to the VM. Use the shortcuts on the Desktop to find the Ansys Innovation Course and start your learning!
When you are finished be sure to stop the VM as to not use up your Cloud hours.
If you could not complete these steps. You may be prevented access due to an RDP restriction policy on your network, which is not uncommon. If you are using a corporate network to access this test please try another network to confirm.
If you continue to have connection issues you can reach out to us at aic-help@ansys.com for assistance.